Blogs » Blog » Easyflex Ventures into new space: Rubber Lining of Piping for NTPC Dadri

Easyflex Ventures into new space: Rubber Lining of Piping for NTPC Dadri

Rubber Lining of Piping: Easyflex now has the skill and know-how, the machinery and testing capacity, the skilled labour and raw materials to carry out and execute Rubber Lining of your Piping. And that is exactly what we have done for the NTPC power station in Dadri. The power plant in UP is the first of its kind FGD plant commissioned by BHEL for NTPC.

Rubber Linings are used with Power Plant FGD ( Flue Gas Desulphurization) Units to prevent corrosion in piping due to flue gas. The contract was received from the BHEL Piping Centre, Chennai and the work was executed on-site at NTPC, Dadri plant. We deployed a team of 30 people for the job and completed the contract in record time.

The scope of work included Cutting, Fabrication of matching pieces to match the Connecting Nozzles/Equipment/Pump by welding, Removing of existing Rubber Lining, checking alignment at the site, conducting hydro testing/RT/spark testing (as applicable), Re Rubber lining at vendor works and transportation of modified DUs with re-rubber lining with Final fit-up at the site. Every single operation was executed by Easyflex’s in-house team.
The pipe sizes that were covered as part of this project ranged from 4” to 14”. The total number of piping pieces that were rubber lined by us was more than 160.

Easyflex completed this project in record time – before the plant was commissioned in the month of January 2022, which was well appreciated by the government organisation.

Here are some pictures of the original pieces of piping that were extracted from the site –

Completion of Rubber Lining of Piping for NTPC Dadri –

In addition, Easyflex also supplied Rubber and Metallic Expansion Bellows to this power plant –

You can contact us at [email protected] for your Rubber Lining requirements!