COVID-19 pandemic has swirled the entire world. Today, from the super economical power US to the fashion capital of the world Italy, all the major countries are fighting an unseen battle with coronavirus.
The battle against corona virus can be only won if every person follows the COVID-19 safety tips on the ground level. Today, if you are safe, then your family, neighborhood, and country will automatically win a battle against the virus.
Safety Mantras to Say No to Corona virus by Easyflex
To protect yourself and your family from the unseen coronavirus, you have to include following precautionary steps into your lifestyle for the long run –
Wash your Hands – You have to constantly wash your hands with soap, water, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Especially, when you have touched something or come back home from work, then you have to at least wash your hands for 20 seconds.
Practice Social Distancing – Don’t hug, handshake, or come in contact with another human being. It is easily transferable disease, thus at least maintaining 2 meters of safety distance with another human being is advised. Especially if someone is sneezing or coughing.
Stay Home – If you don’t have anywhere urgent to be or you are under lockdown, then don’t go out of your home. Practice work from home, workout from home, and order essential commodities online. As much as possible minimize your outings and when you go out, then properly cover your mouth and hands with gloves and masks.
Cover your Mouth – Coronavirus spreads from the droplets of sneeze or cough that falls on the solid surface. Thus, always wear a mask when you are going out and never touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands. If you don’t have a mask, then you can cover your face with a simple cloth, but do cover your face always.
Call Your Doctor – If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. You should first consult your family doctor or local doctor and if your doctor recommends, then take the coronavirus test. And, when you are visiting the doctor, then cover your face and if possible take advice from the doctor virtually.
Maintain Personal Hygiene – Coronavirus can survive on the hard surface for a few days easily. Thus, properly clean and sanitize most touched surfaces in your home regularly such as doorknobs, tables, chairs, etc.,
Cover your Cough or Sneeze – When you cough or sneeze, then always cover your mouth and nose with the tissue and immediately discard tissue into the dustbin. If you don’t have a tissue, then use your elbow to cough.
Sanitize your Grocery – Once you buy grocery items, then properly sanitize them before using them. You should wash vegetables and fruits in hot water and leave out for some time. And, don’t use your packed groceries immediately without thoroughly sanitizing them.
Precaution is the only coronavirus vaccine right now. So, follow coronavirus safety tips and keep your family and neighbors safe.